Oracle Sun FAQ
On Monday, April 20, 2009, Oracle announced that it had agreed to acquire Sun Microsystems. Since then there has been much speculation and question raised around numerous areas of the deal. There is an official FAQ that discusses many areas, but I thought I would highlight three that seem to be fairly popular around the blogosphere:
Will the ownership of Solaris change Oracle’s position on Linux? No. This transaction enhances our commitment to open standards and choice. Oracle is as committed as ever to Linux and other platforms and will continue to support and enhance our strong industry partnerships.
What does Oracle plan to do with MySQL? MySQL will be an addition to Oracle’s existing suite of database products, which already includes Oracle Database 11g, TimesTen, Berkeley DB open source database, and the open source transactional storage engine, InnoDB.
What impact does this announcement have on the HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server and HP Oracle Database Machine products? There is no impact. Oracle remains fully committed to the HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server and HP Oracle Database Machine products.