Crowdsourcing Active SQL Monitor Reports
As my loyal readers will know, I have been a big (maybe BIG) fan of the SQL Monitor Report since it’s introduction in 11g. It would not surprise me if I have looked at over 1000 SQL Monitor Reports in the past 4+ years – so I’m pretty familiar with these bad boys. Since I find them so valuable (and many customers are now upgrading to 11g), I’ve decided to do a deep dive into the SQL Monitor Report at both Oracle OpenWorld 2011 in October and the UKOUG in December. I think I have some pretty interesting and educational examples, but for anyone willing to share Active SQL Monitor Reports from their system, I thought I would extend the possibility to have it publicly discussed at either one of these sessions (or even a future blog post). Sound cool? I think so, though I may be slightly biased.
The Rules & Requirements
Here are some rules, requirements, restrictions, etc.:
- The SQL Monitor Report requires Oracle Database 11g and the Oracle Database Tuning Pack.
- By sending me your SQL Monitor Report you implicitly grant permission to me to use it however I want (in my sessions, on my blog, on my refrigerator, etc.).
- If you want to scrub it (remove the SQL Text, rename tables, etc.), feel free, but if you make the report unusable, it will end up in the bit bucket.
- I will only consider SQL Monitor Reports that are of type EM or ACTIVE, not TEXT or HTML or XML.
- I prefer the statement uses Parallel Execution, but will accept serial statements nonetheless.
- Active SQL Monitor Reports can be either saved from the EM/DB Console SQL Monitoring page, or via SQL*Plus (see code below).
- Once you save your Active SQL Monitor Report, validate it is functional from your browser (don’t send me broken stuff).
In order to participate in this once in a lifetime offer, just email the Active SQL Monitor Report file as an attachment to If you are going to be attending my session at either OOW11 or UKOUG11, let me know so if I choose your report I’ll notify you so you can bring your friends, significant other, boss, etc. Thanks in advance!
-- script to create an Active SQL Monitor Report given a SQL ID
-- 11.2 and newer (EM/ACTIVE types are not in 11.1)
set pagesize 0 echo off timing off linesize 1000 trimspool on trim on long 2000000 longchunksize 2000000 feedback off
spool sqlmon_4vbqtp97hwqk8.html
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(report_level=>'ALL', type=>'EM', sql_id=>'4vbqtp97hwqk8') monitor_report from dual;
spool off