My Strata + Hadoop World Schedule
Next week is Strata + Hadoop World which is bound to be exciting for those who deal with big data on a daily basis. I’ll be spending my time talking about Cloudera Impala at various places so I’m posting my schedule for those interesting in catching about fast SQL on Hadoop. Hope to see you there!
Office Hour with Greg Rahn @ the Cloudera Booth 10/29/2013 11:00am - 11:30am EDT (30 minutes) Room: 3rd Floor, Mercury Ballroom, Booth #403
Office Hour with Greg Rahn 10/29/2013 2:35pm - 3:05pm EDT (30 minutes) Room: Table B
@ParquetFormat and Impala NYC Meetup 10/29/2013 6:30pm - 9:30pm EDT Projective Space LES - 72 Allen Street - New York, NY 10002
Practical Performance Analysis and Tuning for Cloudera Impala 10/30/2013 2:35pm - 3:15pm EDT (40 minutes) Room: Murray Hill Suite (capacity: 300)